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Thursday 19 April 2012

Final Design

For my final design I decided to use design 2.  I am going to write the word 'Family' and have the lock and key at either side of it and the design will be in black and white.  I decided to use this design I think that even though its simple it still shows a lot about family and what it means.  I will recreate this design onto a canvas, I wasn't sure whether I should do the design in paint or pencil, but I thought that doing it in pencil it will have texture coming through like a tattoo would on a persons skin. 

Design 4 and 5

For my fourth design I used the website  I created a design of a heart and then used the 'family' and they used words which that thought related to family and out of those words create a heart shape.  I liked the concept of this design, however, for the tattoo part I don't think that the design is a design that would be able to have a tattoo out of.  This design was again, in black and white, with the words being black and the background white.  For my fifth design I used the website  I created a design out of words which I thought related to family which I used in my mind map.  Again, this design was in black and white, black words with a white back ground, however, I don't think that this design would be suited to a tattoo. 

ICT Project - Design 2 and 3

For my second design I decided that from the mind map I created about my family in my sketchbook, one of the phrases I used was lock and key for trust, I decided that I should try and incorporate a lock and key into my design.  I started with writing 'Family' in the middle and then had a key one side of it and the lock the other.  The lock and key were both heart shaped to represent love.  This design was done in black and white as I prefer tattoos that are black and white, however for my third design I created the same design but instead of it being black and white I added colour.  I kept the word 'Family' black and then used a gold for the key and outline of the locket and then red for the heart. 

ICT Project - Design 1

For my final piece I am going to create a canvas with an image of a tattoo that I have created.  The tattoo is going be related to m family.  My first design idea was the word 'Family' spelt out of words which I thought related to my family.  There would be a different colour for each word, however, even though each word would be a different colour I still didn't think that you can really understand what the word says.  This image would then be recreated on to a canvas for my final piece. 

ICT Project

When we were first told about our ICT project I knew exactly what my topic was going to be.  I had chosen do a project on tattoos, however when we were then told that we had to relate it to a sense of place, I thought that it would be difficult to try and incorporate tattoos into that.  After thinking about it I realised that I could firstly discuss tattoos and then then show images of tattoos and then so images of certain family members tattoos and incorporate my sense of place; family, in to my project that way.
I am going to create a sketchbook which will discuss and show different types and images of tattoos and then go on to discuss my family. 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Susie's Lesson; 19th March

In todays lesson we spoke about the reading which had be given 2 weeks previous.  One reading was just on humour in advertsing and the other was on humour and violence in advertising.  We discussed are findings and opinions from the readings. 
Then Susie gave us a page of images, however you couldn't see all off the image in each picture.  We then had to guess what the images were of and they were of didn't logos for advertising company's, for example; Google, Tesco and Mars. 
We were then given a sheet with different company's, foundations etc on, for example Asda, Marks and Spencers food and Stella.  There was a list of words on the side of the paper and we had to link what words we thought represented the company's, foundations etc. 

Friday 16 March 2012

Guest Lecture; 6th Feb

In this lecture we had Nick Benett.  If gave us an overview of FE (Further Education) in Wales. 
What is it for? - Underpin social justice; second chances, financial support.
Support the economy - Employed engagement, work based learning, vocational experiences, entrepreneurship. 
FE shows; Teaching and learning equal opportunity, innovation, progression, its flexible, tailored and local. 
The Welsh Gov Programme September 2011;
Improving FE and Higher Education.  It encourages; further merges of FE colleges where these provide learning opportunities and enable closer collaboration between FE and HE providers and reform governance of FE in Wales.